We show you how to create an application that uses JDBC to access H2 Database Engine.
- JDK 11 or later
- Gradle 6.8.3 or later
Install JDK and Gradle.
We recommend that you install JDK using sdkman.Create Application
Build Script
Write your build scripts using Gradle Kotlin DSL.
Include the following code in your build.gradle.kts:
plugins {
id("com.google.devtools.ksp") version "2.1.10-1.0.29"
kotlin("jvm") version "2.1.10"
application {
dependencies {
val komapperVersion = "5.2.0"
platform("org.komapper:komapper-platform:$komapperVersion").let {
repositories {
tasks {
withType<Test>().configureEach {
There are two key points in this build script:
- Specify the
plugin in theplugins
block - Use Komapper modules with the same version number in the
is a plugin for Kotlin Symbol Processing API.
It is required for code generation at compile time.
The value before the hyphen in the plugin version number
must be equal to or greater than the version of Kotlin you are using.
The following is an overview of each of the Komapper modules specified in the dependencies
- komapper-platform: Provides recommended versions of Komapper modules.
- komapper-starter-jdbc: This module contains a set of modules that are necessary and useful for JDBC access using Komapper.
- komapper-dialect-h2-jdbc: This module is necessary to connect to the H2 Database Engine.
- komapper-processor: A module to generate code at compile-time. Note that they are declared using the keyword
. Theksp
keyword is provided by the Kotlin Symbol Processing API plugin.
Source code
First, create an entity class:
data class Employee(
@KomapperId @KomapperAutoIncrement
val id: Int = 0,
val name: String,
val version: Int = 0,
val createdAt: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.MIN,
val updatedAt: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.MIN,
Once you have finished creating the above class, build it. The metamodel code will be output and can be used in subsequent code.
Next, create a main logic:
fun main() {
// (1) create a database instance
val database = JdbcDatabase("jdbc:h2:mem:quickstart;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1")
// (2) start transaction
database.withTransaction {
// (3) get an entity metamodel
val e = Meta.employee
// (4) create schema
database.runQuery {
// (5) insert multiple employees at once
database.runQuery {
QueryDsl.insert(e).multiple(Employee(name = "AAA"), Employee(name = "BBB"))
// (6) select all
val employees = database.runQuery {
// (7) print all results
for ((i, employee) in employees.withIndex()) {
println("RESULT $i: $employee")
- Create an instance representing the database by providing a connection string. This instance is needed for transaction control and query execution.
- Start the transaction. You can also specify transaction attributes and isolation levels at the start.
- Get an instance of the metamodel class generated by the source code.
Instances of the metamodel are exposed as extended properties of the
object. - Generate a schema using the metamodel. This feature is useful for creating simple samples, but is deprecated for use in production-level applications.
- Add multiple entities at once.
- Retrieve all records as entities.
- Output the retrieved entities.
To build your application, execute the following Gradle command:
$ gradle build
After executing the command, check the build/generated/ksp/main/kotlin
You can see that the code generated by Kotlin Symbol Processing API exists.
To run your application, execute the following Gradle command:
$ gradle run
When you run the application, you will see the following output on the console:
21:00:53.099 [main] DEBUG org.komapper.SQL - create table if not exists employee (id integer not null auto_increment, name varchar(500) not null, version integer not null, created_at timestamp not null, updated_at timestamp not null, constraint pk_employee primary key(id));
21:00:53.117 [main] DEBUG org.komapper.SQL - insert into employee (name, version, created_at, updated_at) values (?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?)
21:00:53.140 [main] DEBUG org.komapper.SQL - select t0_.id, t0_.name, t0_.version, t0_.created_at, t0_.updated_at from employee as t0_ order by t0_.id asc
RESULT 0: Employee(id=1, name=AAA, version=0, createdAt=2021-05-05T21:00:53.115127, updatedAt=2021-05-05T21:00:53.115127)
RESULT 1: Employee(id=2, name=BBB, version=0, createdAt=2021-05-05T21:00:53.115250, updatedAt=2021-05-05T21:00:53.115250)
You can see that the Employee instance has been set with ID and timestamp. These were set automatically by Komapper.
Get complete code
To get complete code, see https://github.com/komapper/komapper-quickstart
In the above repository, Gradle Wrapper is available.
So you can execute ./gradlew build
and ./gradlew run
instead of gradle build
and gradle run