The Starter module makes it easy to start a project using Komapper. There are several types of starter modules.
Simple starters
This starter includes all the necessary and useful libraries to run Komapper with JDBC. To use it, you must include the following in your Gradle dependency declaration:
val komapperVersion: String by project
dependencies {
This starter includes all the necessary and useful libraries to run Komapper with R2DBC. To use it, you must include the following in your Gradle dependency declaration:
val komapperVersion: String by project
dependencies {
Spring Boot starters
This starter includes all the necessary and useful libraries to run Komapper on Spring Boot in combination with JDBC. To use it, you must include the following in your Gradle dependency declaration:
val komapperVersion: String by project
dependencies {
No special configuration is required to use this starter. Just write the JDBC connection string in your according to the Spring Boot specification.
This starter includes tools to test Komapper on Spring Boot in combination with JDBC. To use it, you must include the following in your Gradle dependency declaration:
val komapperVersion: String by project
dependencies {
Specifically, komapper-spring-boot-starter-test-jdbc
provides a dedicated
Spring Boot test slice
for Komapper JDBC applications.
It only initializes Komapper and database infrastructure beans and does not load
the entire Spring Boot application context, so it is suitable for testing database access layer code.
class MyDaoTest(
@Autowired val db: JdbcDatabase,
) {
// ...
By default, @KomapperJdbcTest
tests are
and roll back at the end of each test.
If that is not what you want, you can disable transaction management for a test
or for the whole class as follows:
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED)
class MyNonTransactionalKomapperTests {
// ...
This starter includes all the necessary and useful libraries to run Komapper on Spring Boot in combination with R2DBC. To use it, you must include the following in your Gradle dependency declaration:
val komapperVersion: String by project
dependencies {
No special configuration is required to use this starter. Just write the R2DBC connection string in your according to the Spring Boot specification.
This starter includes tools to test Komapper on Spring Boot in combination with R2DBC. To use it, you must include the following in your Gradle dependency declaration:
val komapperVersion: String by project
dependencies {
Specifically, komapper-spring-boot-starter-test-r2dbc
provides a dedicated
Spring Boot test slice
for Komapper R2DBC applications. It only initializes Komapper and
database infrastructure beans and does not load the entire Spring Boot application context,
so it is suitable for testing database access layer code.
class MyDaoTest(
@Autowired val db: R2dbcDatabase,
) {
// ...
By default, @KomapperR2dbcTest
tests are not transactional.